Positive Reflection: Most Beautiful Learning From AMAL Fellowship

Gulnaz Nawaz
5 min readOct 8, 2020

Make it a habit to tell people to thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.

be grateful

Amal Academy plays a vital role in my life. As “I’m naturally introvert”, it prevented me from speaking up. Time flies, and But deep inside I was too much worried about this. So, I started practicing. I took part in many activities. I did not stop the chain over there, I joined Amal Academy it’s fun and has really helped me overcome my shyness.

On the activity day, I was a bit nervous yet excited to come out from my comfort zone. My experience with the activity center is always mesmerizing. I learned a lot and also thrilled about the final selection. Sharing a glimpse of the orientation day.

Activity Day


Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible

Tonny Robbins

Ready and Enrolled in Amal Career Fellowship batch-148.

My Amal Family-Batch148

I learned practical skills around leading discussions and sharing diverse perspectives. Now, in group settings, I always start conversations with the quieter fellows. I know exactly how they feel, and people can be amazing once they start talking.”

Now, I proudly say that I have improved my professional skills and have a remarkable change in my life. In the Amal Academy, I have learned the skills to how to introduce yourself even you have 1 minute and you are in the elevator, I have learned the skills of meeting the HR professionals and how to present myself in front of them but the most important thing which is fully encompassing these skills is gratitude.

The most important lesson I have learned from this beautiful journey of Amal is how to be grateful to others because showing gratitude is the most beautiful principle of this life.

Connecting Dots

My journey starts with this lesson, we can’t connect the dots looking forward, we can connect the dots by looking backward, because, behind every successful person, there must be a story, that happened in their past.

And these forces ignite our passion and then you actually gain something that you want.

Unforgettable Moments in Fellowship

I cannot forget my MegaProject on which I'm working on. It was very difficult for me to work with totally diverse teammates. In our first discussion of the mega circle. I was remembered that at that time I was prayed that please stop the time. I don’t want to do a discussion. Now I think how mad I was. :)

Learning Group Six

With the passage of time, I learned how to fosters creativity and learning in a diverse setting. A person working on a project alone will probably not want to stick their neck out for an off-the-wall idea. If the project fails when working solo, you will take the full brunt of the blame. While working as a team allows team members to take more risks, as they have the support of the entire group to fall back on in case of failure. Conversely, sharing success as a team is a bonding experience. Once a team succeeds together, their brainstorming sessions will produce revolutionary ideas without hesitation. I learned from my team members and build on each other’s skills to create more impressive results in the workplace.

Mega Circle Group Members

I learned a lot during my mock interview. Being with such talented people was an honor for me.

Positive Thinking can transform not only people but societies and even countries.

When do you see people sitting on a tea stall and talking about how corruption is decomposing the country? just tell them to go do some work that will strengthen the country.


Don’t waste time on frustration and blaming others, be the change. Do productive work. If you go into an interview with a negative viewpoint, you’re more likely to perform worse and fail to exactly represent yourself. Keep your head high and keep a positive mind and you will be even more prepared for that interview.

Starting now and into the foreseeable future, for an incredible remainder, I will think positive. Since how might I carry on with a positive life with a negative mentality. In this way, every time I would accomplish something, I will invest my entire energy in it, defend myself, and discover great even in disappointments.

Everybody deals with issues throughout their life yet it is essential to keep your eyes on your objective and get great stuff or experience from issues and tough times. Persevering and positive reasoning will direct you toward extraordinary achievement. I will consistently follow the example of positive speculation in my future.

Shukriya Amal Academy! Forgiving me Endless memories so far!

