Book Review

Gulnaz Nawaz
2 min readJan 1, 2021


“The Craft of Selling Yourself”

Author: Ashraf Chaudhry

By Gulnaz Nawaz


A very well structured and widely recommended book published by TRCB Media Networking LLC. It includes a total of fourteen chapters that emphasize entrepreneurship. The narrative concludes with the fascinating story of the protagonist himself, this experience of not being someone to be the brand and name he is today. Later on, he includes the marketing tactics, the SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) of not coming out of one’s comfort zones. He also emphasized how to dress for the role requested. Because your dressing sense is the first thing that attracts the recruiters. Furthermore, he speaks out that it is finally time, to get started into the pool, or more accurately, to launch your work search after understanding yourself, creating the right resume, cover letter, and a big bang letter. He speaks about how to train the mind for the interview and also about some insightful responses he gave at the work interview that eventually contributed to the job being landed by him. He also says that you should have 12 work offers from 60 jobs after reading and following the rules of his book, and the strategies he has highlighted. In the last, he captured the essence of Abraham Lincoln, how his life collapsed and then became a success, inspiring individuals not to lose faith if they fail at some work interview.

What is Special in this book?

A comprehensive masterpiece of guidelines and instructions that are easy to execute. Useful for corporations as well as people worldwide. Learn to “place first things first” and “begin in mind with the end.” This book is a landmark in the literature of management and leadership and should be essential for everyone who is in a position of authority to learn.

