Become a Life-Long Learner
Learning is a continuous process. We learn in different ways. Every person has its own perspective on learning. Some learn to be successful and some learn to become lifelong learners.
Lifelong learning is the “ongoing, voluntary, and pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. It is a form of self-initiated education that is focused on personal development.
Life long learning helps us understand our surroundings and we are given opportunities to improve our quality of life. learners are motivated to learn and develop.

During my fellowship, I came across the concept of a lifelong learner in a clearer way, and ever since that I’ve been focusing on learning new things. While doing so I came across several challenges but one of the most important challenges I faced was nervousness. Whenever a challenge was presented to me which was out of my comfort zone, I noticed that I used to get extremely nervous and start thinking that I cannot do this. That nervousness led to anxiety and everything stopped making sense once I got anxious.
So, in order to overcome this, I used the Pomodoro technique. I started setting small goals for myself which I call baby steps and in order to solve/learn these baby steps, I used the Pomodoro technique. I worked for 25 minutes and then reward myself with 10 minutes of internet surfing. This way I was satisfied that I am learning something and my anxiety remained in check.

Some Ways to become a LIFELONG LEARNER

It means if you are unable to develop an interest or paying proper attention and mostly feel sleepy. This habit is due to the reason that we are indulged in different useless activities like spending time on social media, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.

So we should try to spend specific time on these activities so that they cannot disturb your daily routine and do not affect your productivity.
Reflection is the most important aspect of learning. Think deeply about what you have learned. Build review periods into your learning so you do not forget. Listen to what people have to say, and look for feedback on your performance and behavior.

Don’t take criticism personally as it may be a pointer to your shortcomings and a way of learning from your mistakes. Continuous improvement and lifelong learning should be your goal.
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Just take initiative and try to learn as much as you could and as effectively as you can. Also, you can take the help of a mentor that already has that particular skillset as it would speed things of positivity that replaces negative thought with a positive one. Did not say wrong to anyone because every person has its own perspective. “Don’t say No”.

This journey was very beautiful and full of productivity. I will keep all these golden tips in my life box and also use it in my future life Inshallah.